What Is the Best Exercise For Arthritic Knees

Have you been experiencing knee pain that seems to persist? You are not alone. According to The Washington Post, one in every four adults suffers from chronic knee pain. The pain can be incapacitating and make it difficult to carry out even the simplest of tasks.

The primary cause of knee pain is osteoarthritis, a chronic condition that affects over 30 million Americans. Knee replacement surgery is an option, but many experts are interested in nonsurgical alternatives that can cut joint pain and provide patients with more freedom of movement and a better quality of life. You may be surprised at how much you can improve your knee pain with something as simple as exercise and strength training.

Exercise and Strength Training

One of the best ways to reduce knee pain is to strengthen the leg, hip, and core muscles. As you grow older, your muscles tend to become weak. By engaging in exercises that strengthen these muscles, you can improve your balance, increase your mobility, and reduce knee pain. You may consider low-impact exercises such as swimming or cycling to reduce strain on your knees. Read on and you will learn about the best exercises that can provide relief for your arthritic knees.

Is cycling good for arthritic knees?

Cycling is good for arthritic knees. Cycling is a low-impact exercise that can help reduce knee pain caused by arthritis. It is low-impact, eliminating the stress on your knees, making it an excellent exercise option for people with arthritis. Cycling can also help build your leg muscles to support joint movement and reduce inflammation. It is essential to start cycling at low-resistance levels and increase resistance after you build your leg muscles.

Is stationary bike good for arthritic knees?

Using a stationary bike is an excellent way to exercise without putting too much stress on your knees. It is low-impact, provides adequate support, and gives you the ability to adjust intensity levels. You can adjust the saddle to ensure your knees are straight and protected. Besides, riding a stationary bike can build muscles around your knees. It is essential to wear suitable cycling shoes to limit knee movement and prevent fatigue.

Is walking good for arthritic knees?

Walking is a low-impact exercise that is safe for arthritic knee patients. Walking provides sufficient workout for your knee joint and helps strengthen the muscles around your knees. Walking regularly reduces pain and stiffness and improves your joint flexibility and mobility. Start with short distances, slowly increase the distance and intensity, and use proper walking shoes with a suitable cushioning system to absorb shock levels.

What exercises are good for arthritic knees?

Apart from low-impact exercises like cycling and using a stationary bike, you can try other exercises to help relieve arthritic knee pain. Exercises like water aerobics, swimming, and yoga are low-impact activities that can help decrease inflammation and improve your joint's flexibility. Incorporate balance exercises like standing on one foot for 30 seconds, lunges, and squats, as well as strength training for your muscles.

2. Neuromuscular Education

Another nonsurgical alternative that is gaining interest among medical practitioners is neuromuscular education. This technique involves learning how to move in a way that puts less stress on the knee joint. In other words, you will be taught how to move in a way that helps you maintain your balance and posture while still ensuring that your knee joint remains stable. Learning these techniques can reduce knee pain and improve your quality of life.

3. Weight Loss

Being overweight puts an enormous amount of stress on your knee joints. If you are overweight, losing weight can significantly reduce the stress on your knee joints, thus reducing knee pain. Losing a few pounds does not have to be a difficult or time-consuming process. A combination of regular exercise and a healthy diet can help you lose weight healthily and sustainably.

Does cardio burn fat?

The Science Behind Cardio and Fat Loss

First, it’s important to understand how fat loss works. When we eat, our body breaks down the energy food. Any excess energy is stored in fat cells. To burn fat, we need to create a calorie deficit by burning more calories than we consume. This can be done through exercise and/or a calorie-restricted diet. Cardio, specifically, raises our heart rate and burns calories, which can contribute to that calorie deficit. So, in that sense, cardio can be helpful for fat loss.

The Limitations of Cardio for Fat Loss

However, cardio alone may not be enough to achieve significant fat loss. This is because our body adapts to the exercise we do. So, if we consistently engage in cardio, our body becomes more efficient and burns fewer calories. Additionally, cardio primarily burns carbohydrates for energy, not necessarily fat. This means that while cardio can help create a calorie deficit, it may not be the most effective way to target fat loss.

The Importance of Resistance Training for Fat Loss

Resistance training, like weightlifting, can be more effective than cardio for targeting fat loss. This is because when we engage in resistance training, we build muscle, which has a higher metabolic rate than fat. This means that the more muscle we have, the more calories we burn at rest. Additionally, resistance training can actually burn fat more efficiently than cardio, as our body burns more fat for energy during and after the workout. Resistance training also helps to enhance your bone density, which is beneficial as it reduces the risk of arthritis and potentially osteoporosis.

Can arthritic knee cause thigh pain?

Yes, arthritic knees can cause thigh pain. The thigh muscles provide support for your knees; therefore, when your knees are affected by arthritis, they can cause pressure and discomfort on your thighs. Alleviating the pain in your thigh muscles will require regular exercise to strengthen and support your knees.

4. Medication

Medications such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can significantly reduce joint pain by reducing inflammation. Other medications such as acetaminophen can help control pain. Your doctor may also recommend topical creams that provide pain relief.

5. Knee Bracing

Wearing a knee brace may provide relief from knee pain. A knee brace can support your knee joint and prevent further damage. However, you should consult your doctor before using a knee brace as it may not be suitable for everyone.

5 Tips for Cycling With Arthritic Knees

Don't let arthritis stop you from enjoying cycling! Here are five tips that can help reduce pain and discomfort while cycling with arthritic knees.

1. Invest in the right bike:

The wrong bike could significantly aggravate arthritic knees. Look for an exercise bike with an upright seating position and adjustable handlebars. This position puts less pressure on the knees and allows for a more extended, more comfortable ride. An ebike with wider tires and shock absorbers is also an excellent choice as these features make it easier to handle rough terrain.

2. Change your pedal setup:

If you have weak knees, consider starting with flat pedals. Flat pedals allow you to position your foot freely and place your feet anywhere on the pedal where it's most comfortable. After a while, you may want to switch to clipless pedals. They may take some getting used to, but they offer several advantages such as better power transfer and better control in technical terrain.

3. Protective gear:

Knees are fragile and require protection. Consider investing in knee pads if you are planning to cycle on uneven or rocky terrain. Knee pads are excellent protection gear that can prevent injuries or reduce the impact of accidents.

4. Stretch before cycling:

Before cycling, get into the habit of stretching as it can help warm up the muscles, increase their elasticity, and reduce pain. Focus on stretching your calves and quadriceps to take pressure off your knees.

5. Take it slow:

Cycling with arthritic knees can take time to adapt. Start slowly and gradually increase intensity over time. It's also critical to listen to your body. If you notice any discomfort or pain, stop, and take a break.

With these tips, cycling with arthritic knees can be a fun activity that you can stick to in the long run.


In conclusion, arthritis can be a frustrating condition to cope with, especially when it affects your ability to move freely. One of the best ways of managing arthritic knee pain is through the use of regular exercises such as walking, cycling, yoga, and resistance training. Finding the right exercises that suit your condition is vital, as is working with an expert to ensure you don't do more harm than good. The right type of exercise can help increase your muscle strength, reduce the impact of inflammation and pain, and enhance mobility. By working on your overall health and following an exercise regimen, you can significantly improve your quality of life and help alleviate discomfort.