October 20, 2023
Mountain Biking Skills You Have To Master
Mountain biking is an adventurous and rewarding way to explore nature and get a good workout. However, before hitting the trails, it is essential to know the basic mountain biking skills, techniques and strategy. Whether you are a newbie to mountain biking or have been biking the trails for years, there are certain skills that you need to master to become a better, safer, and more confident rider. We put together some critical mountain biking skills that you should learn to make sure that you have a great time and a successful mountain biking experience.
Mountain Biking Skill 1: Braking
If you’re just starting out in mountain biking, you may be thinking that the main objective is to pedal as fast as you can to get to the finish line. But there’s more to it than that. Mountain biking requires skills, especially when it comes to the different techniques of braking. The ability to effectively brake can make the difference between a smooth and safe ride and a bruised ego. But not to worry because we’ll be doing it with the freebeat Morphrover eBike, an eBike specifically designed for off-road use.
#1 The Basics of Braking
The first thing you need to know in mastering the art of braking is the basic principle: slowing down or stopping your bike as quickly as possible while maintaining balance and control. There are two types of brakes in ebikes: the front brake and the back brake. In general, the front brake provides the most stopping power and should be used first, while the back brake provides stability. Practice braking by applying both brakes at the same time in a controlled manner.
#2 Brake Modulation
Brake modulation is the technique used to adjust the amount of braking force applied to the wheel. It's about knowing when, how, and where to apply the brakes. This technique is crucial in downhill mountain biking when you want to keep your momentum while descending. It allows you to brake effectively without completely stopping your wheel, which can lead to loss of traction and control. Modulate your brakes by gradually applying and releasing pressure on the levers.

#3 Weight Distribution
Your ebike's weight distribution plays a big role in your ability to control your electric bike when braking. When you apply your brakes, the ebike's weight will shift forward. This can result in your rear wheel lifting, which can cause you to lose control. To prevent this, shift your weight back and low when braking to ensure your rear wheel stays in contact with the ground. Practice finding your center of gravity when braking using the freebeat Morphrover eBike.
#4 Terrain and Braking
The right braking technique depends on the terrain you’re riding on. For example, in loose or muddy terrain, using only your front brake can cause it to lock up and slide out from under you. It’s best to use both brakes to maintain control and adjust your speed. In rocky terrain, the same technique applies but with more emphasis on brake modulation.
#5 Practice, Practice, Practice
As with any other skill, the key to mastering mountain biking’s most basic skill is to practice. Maneuvering your ebike while braking can feel awkward at first, but with constant practice, it can become second nature. The freebeat Morphrover eBike with fat tires is a great mountain ebike for beginners to hone their skills, especially in off-road conditions. Start by practicing the basic braking techniques in a safe area before hitting the trail.
Mountain Biking Skill 2: Cornering
Cornering is a fundamental skill that every mountain biker should master. It’s a skill that requires practice and patience, whether you are riding on flowy singletracks or technical terrain. We’ll discuss some tips on how to improve your cornering skills.
#1 Get the Right eBike
The first step towards mastering cornering is getting the right ebike. A fat tire electric bike is designed for all terrains and has good suspension will make the bike ride smoother. freebeat Morphrover eBike is specially designed for mountain biking, and it has all the features you need in a mountain bike. Its electric motor offers extra power and torque to easily climb up steep hills. The bike's suspension is also excellent, providing a smooth ride even on bumpy or rocky terrain. Read on and we'll discuss some tips on how to improve your cornering skills with freebeat Morphrover eBike.

#2 Look Ahead
Always look ahead while you're cornering. Look at where you want to go and not down at the ebike's front wheel. By keeping your eyes forward, you will be able to anticipate any obstacles and make necessary adjustments. When looking ahead, try to focus on the exit of the turn, not the entrance.
#3 Control Your Speed
Speed plays a crucial role in cornering. You must find a balance between too slow and too fast. If you are going too fast, you could overshoot the turn, and if you are going too slow, you could lose momentum. The best way to maintain speed is by keeping your momentum up. freebeat Morphrover eBike's electric motor provides extra power to move through corners smoothly.
#4 Position Your Body
Proper body positioning will help you to negotiate corners more efficiently. Keep your weight over the ebike's bottom bracket, and your elbows out. Shift your body weight towards the inside of the turn while keeping your outside pedal down, which ensures better traction. Also, make sure your hips are facing towards the exit of the turn.
The key to tackling corners is not to brake while you are on the turn, as it will cause you to lose traction, and you could easily find yourself sliding or falling. Instead, learn to control your body posture and speed before entering the corner, and lean into the turn.
Mastering cornering will make you more confident and help you ride faster.
Mountain Biking Skill 3: Climbing
Climbing big hills and mountains can be challenging and physically demanding. However, you can overcome them with the right techniques. The secret to climbing is all about pacing yourself and shifting your gears correctly. You have to learn when to stand up on your pedals and when to stay seated, shift gears efficiently, and maintain a steady cadence. We will discuss the best practices for climbing as a beginner mountain biker below, so you can tackle any trail with confidence.
#1 Use Your Body Anatomy
Your body posture and weight distribution are essential when climbing. The center of gravity must always be over the pedals, and your weight should be distributed evenly on the bike. Leaning forward slightly, keeping your elbows bent, and standing on your pedals will help distribute your weight evenly. When tackling more challenging climbs, focus on keeping your upper body relaxed to conserve energy and maintain control.
#2 Keep your Gears and Energy in Check
It's crucial not to waste energy, and one of the best ways to conserve it is by utilizing the right gears. For beginners, keeping it simple by maintaining a good cadence, or pedaling rpm, around 70-90 RPM, is best. Use lower gears when the terrain gets too steep. Try to avoid excessive gear shifting, as you will burn more energy, making it difficult to retain strength for longer climbs.
#3 Confidence is Key
It's normal to feel intimidated when looking up a steep incline. But always trust yourself and your bike to tackle it. Being confident that you can climb any mountain will give you the necessary motivation. It's also essential to find your own rhythm and pace when climbing. Don't try to push yourself beyond your limits, as it can lead to accidents. Take breaks if needed and recover before continuing.
#4 Find a Line and Stick to it
When climbing, it's not always easy to find a good line. Always look ahead and try to identify the path of least resistance. Choose the line that's less bumpy and avoids obstacles that might throw you off your balance. Once you have a clear line, stick to it, maintaining a steady pace. If you happen to lose your line, don't get bogged down; quickly adjust and regain it to maintain your momentum up the hill.
Mountain Biking Skill 4: Descending
Descending is a skill that requires courage, skill, and control. Riding downhill can be exhilarating and risky, but with the right technique, you can enjoy the thrill without risking injury.
#1 Choose the Right Trail
Before you explore your skills in descending, you must first choose a trail that is appropriate for your level. Look for a trail that is beginner-friendly and has a gradual incline and descent. This helps you get a feel for how to position your body correctly and maneuver through different obstacles before you attempt more challenging trails.
#2 Control Your Speed
Descending at top speed is thrilling, but it is also dangerous if you cannot control your speed. Your first priority should always be safety, and that means knowing how to slow down and keep your speed at a manageable level. Use your brakes to control your speed, and practice feathering them – apply pressure gradually and release it slowly.

#3 Body Positioning
Body positioning is crucial whenever you’re riding a mountain bike, and it’s even more important when you’re descending. Proper positioning helps you maintain balance and control. Keep your elbows and knees slightly bent, your core engaged, your hips back, and your weight centered on the bike. This position allows you to maneuver effectively and absorb any shock.
#4 Anticipate Obstacles
Mountain biking trails can be quite unpredictable, and you never know what obstacles you might come across. As you’re descending, keep an eye out for rocks, logs, roots, or any other obstacles that can throw you off your game. Anticipate them by looking ahead and scanning the path before you. This helps you adjust your speed, trajectory, and position to avoid any potential falls.
Mastering the art of descending involves being aware of your body position, keeping your pedals level, and controlling your speed. Always start gradually and work your way up to more demanding terrain.
Mountain Biking Skill 5: Trail Awareness
Trail awareness is among the most vital mountain biking skills, and it involves being aware of the environment and the trail conditions. Always survey the trail ahead of planning your approach to obstacles, terrain, and turns. Know how to read the terrain and adapt your riding style to the changing conditions. Also, ensure that you have the right equipment, knowledge of navigation, and trail map to avoid getting lost.

Mountain biking is a sport that requires skill, technique, and strategy. Don’t be discouraged if you are a beginner in mountain biking; mastering these skills takes time and practice. Start gradually and work your way up to more challenging terrains. By keeping these skills in mind, you are well on your way to becoming a better, more confident, and accomplished mountain biker.