Riding a Mountain Bike: Is it Really Hard or Just Challenging?

Are you tired of regular gym workouts and looking for a new way to stay fit and active? Have you considered mountain biking? Not only does this outdoor activity offer an excellent workout, but it’s also a fun and exciting way to explore nature. While it is an excellent way to stay fit and explore the great outdoors, riding through rough terrain, steep hills, and rocky trails requires focus, balance, and endurance.

But once you give it a try, you might find that it's not as hard as you thought it would be. In this blog post, we'll be discussing the challenges of riding a mountain bike and addressing the question, “Is it really hard or just challenging?” By the end of this post, you'll have a better understanding of what it takes to tackle those rocky trails.

Challenges To Conquer Mountain Biking

Physical Challenge in Mountain Biking

The first thing to remember is that mountain biking is a physically demanding activity. You'll need to have some level of fitness to get the most out of your ride. The good news is that biking offers an excellent cardiovascular workout that can improve your overall health. If you're new to biking or haven't exercised in a while, don't worry. Start with some easy, flat trails to get your body used to the motion of pedaling. Once you've built up some endurance, you can explore more challenging trails.

Mental Challenge in Mountain Biking

Another factor to consider is the mental aspect of mountain biking. Unlike road biking, where you can maintain a steady speed, mountain bike trails present a range of obstacles that require quick thinking and decision-making. You'll need to adjust your speed and technique to navigate the terrain effectively. It can be challenging to ride over rocky and uneven surfaces, but with practice, you'll get used to it.

The Challenge of Equipment in Mountain Biking

Aside from physical and mental challenges, there's also the issue of equipment. Mountain bikes are heavier and have a different frame geometry compared to road bikes. This design allows them to handle steep inclines and technical terrain. However, they can be more difficult to control, especially for beginners. You'll need to get used to the feel of the bike before you hit the trails. Remember to always wear a helmet and other protective gear to keep yourself safe.

Ultimately, whether mountain biking is hard or just challenging is subjective. It depends on one's physical fitness levels, mental strength, and mindset. Some people might find it difficult, while others find it fun and fulfilling. The best way to approach mountain biking is with an open mind, a willingness to learn, and a determination to overcome obstacles. Don't be afraid to ask for advice from experienced riders or sign up for beginner clinics to improve your skills.

How to Get Better at Mountain Biking

  1. Invest in the Right Equipment

The first step to improving your mountain biking skills is to invest in the right equipment. A good mountain bike that fits your size and riding style can make a big difference. Before we dive into the question of how to get into mountain biking, let's look at the cost.

How Much Should You Spend on a Mountain Bike?

The price of a mountain bike can vary from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. The main factors that determine the cost are the quality of the components, the materials used in the frame, and the brand name. The rule of thumb is that you get what you pay for. If you're a beginner, you can start with a decent entry-level mountain bike that costs around $700-$1000. As you gain more experience and confidence, you can upgrade to a higher-quality bike that suits your riding style and preferences.

What to Look for in a Mountain Bike?

When shopping for a mountain bike, it's important to consider a few key features that affect the ride and handling of the bike.

Size of Frame: The first thing to consider when shopping for a mountain bike is the size of the frame. It's essential to choose a bike that matches your height and inseam length to ensure a comfortable and safe ride. Most bike manufacturers provide sizing charts based on your height, or you can get a professional fitting from a bike shop.

Suspension System: The suspension system also plays a crucial role in your mountain biking experience. A full suspension system is ideal for riders who plan to ride on rough terrain, as it offers both front and rear suspension, providing a smoother ride and better handling. However, hardtail bikes are more affordable and better suited for beginners or those who plan to ride on less demanding trails.

Gearing System: The right gearing system can make all the difference when tackling steep hills and fast descents. A bike with a wide range of gears is ideal for mountain biking, as it allows you to tackle different terrains with ease.

Braking System: The braking system should be powerful and reliable to stop the bike in all conditions.

Tires: Tires are the final essential feature to consider when shopping for a mountain bike. Wide tires offer more stability and better traction on rough terrain, making them well-suited for mountain biking.

By choosing a mountain bike with these features, you'll have a better chance of enjoying a smooth and safe ride. The freebeat MorphRover fat tire ebike is the perfect option for beginners, as it provides all the necessary features at an affordable price point. Whatever your budget or experience level, keep these essential features in mind when shopping for a mountain bike, and you'll surely find a bike that suits your needs.

2. Learn Proper Riding Techniques

To become a skilled mountain biker, you need to learn proper riding techniques. Start by researching and practicing the fundamentals, such as body positioning, braking, and shifting gears. Attend a mountain bike clinic or take lessons from an experienced rider to get a more in-depth understanding of advanced techniques like cornering and jumping. With consistent and intentional practice, you will develop muscle memory and improve your overall riding abilities.

What Muscles Do Mountain Biking Work?

Mountain biking primarily works your lower body muscles, including the quads, hamstrings, calves, glutes, and hip flexors. Additionally, it can engage your core muscles as they help maintain stability and balance throughout the ride. Proper mountain biking technique incorporates both pushing and pulling motions and requires upper body strength, especially in the shoulders, arms, and back.

3. Build Endurance and Strength

Mountain biking can be demanding on your body, so it’s essential to build endurance and strength. Incorporate cardio and strength-training exercises into your routine to improve your stamina. Focus on strengthening your core, legs, and arms to support your balance and control on the bike. You’ll also want to practice long-distance rides and climbs to build up your endurance and handling skills on varying terrain.

4. Ride with Experienced Riders

Riding with experienced mountain bikers can be beneficial to both your riding skills and safety. Join a mountain biking group or ride with a more experienced friend to learn new techniques and get advice on how to improve your riding. Riding with others can also be motivating and help you push yourself outside of your comfort zone. However, make sure to ride within your abilities and don’t take unnecessary risks.

5. Challenge Yourself and Have Fun

The key to improving your mountain biking skills is to patiently practice on various terrains and conditions. Start with easy single-track trails and gradually increase the grade and technicality. Enroll in a mountain biking clinic, watch online tutorials, and ride with advanced riders to learn new techniques and get feedback on your form.
Mountain biking is a challenging sport that requires practice and dedication, but it should also be enjoyable. Challenge yourself to try new bike trails and obstacles while maintaining a positive attitude towards improvement. Riding with friends can make it more fun and exciting. Remember, mountain biking is not about being the best but rather pushing yourself to reach your personal goals. Most importantly, remember to go at your own pace and have fun.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Can Mountain Bikes Be Used on the Road?

One common misconception about mountain bikes is that they are only suitable for off-road riding. While it's true that mountain bikes are designed for rugged and variable terrain, they can also be used on paved roads. However, the riding experience on road will be different from that on a mountain trail. Mountain bikes are heavier and have wider tires than road bikes, which means they require more effort to pedal on flat surfaces. Furthermore, mountain bikes are not as aerodynamic as road bikes, which limits their speed potential. If you plan to use your mountain bike on the road, you can adjust the tire pressure and gear ratio to improve efficiency.

Discover freebeat fat tire ebike for commuting, it has a maximum speed of 28 mph and supports both throttle assist and pedal assist. Therefore, freebeat MorphRover is ideal for longer rides and can help you navigate steep climbs and flat terrains with ease, making them perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who want a little extra boost to their ride.

How Many Calories Does Mountain Biking Burn?

The number of calories burned while mountain biking varies depending on the duration and intensity of the ride and the rider's weight. On average, a 150-pound person can burn around 600 to 850 calories per hour of moderate mountain biking. However, this number can increase up to 1,100 calories if you engage in rigorous uphill bikers or challenging terrains.

Am I Too Old to Start Mountain Biking?

No! Age should not hinder you from enjoying the fun and excitement of mountain biking. While it may take longer for older adults to learn new skills and recover from injuries, it’s still an excellent way to stay fit and active. Consult with your doctor before starting, and start slowly to help mitigate any potential risks.


So, are mountain bikes hard to ride? Mountain biking is not necessarily hard but challenging. Like any sport, it requires physical and mental strength, practice, and patience to master. Don't be discouraged by the thought of navigating through rocky trails or steep hills. With proper training, the right equipment, and a willingness to learn, you can enjoy the thrill of mountain biking while getting a good workout. Remember to always prioritize safety, be respectful of the environment, and have fun. After all, whether you're looking for a thrilling adventure or a peaceful escape in nature, mountain biking is an excellent way to test your limits and explore the great outdoors.